CMHA in the News

HUD's Office of Inspector General has issued a report on Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority's failure to comply with HUD's Lead Safe Housing Rules. Follow the story as it evolves!


Aug. 07, 2024. Firings in order for CMHA’s failure to protect children from lead poisoning. "The Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority’s failure to protect children from lead poisoning requires nothing less than for heads to roll. CEO Jeffrey K. Patterson should be fired.  This is about accountability. What happened here is so outrageous that we cannot trust the people running the agency now to right the ship. The agency’s response to a federal report criticizing its failure to protect children from lead poisoning is unacceptable and alarming.  A U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s inspector general’s report ripped into the agency for failing to properly test for lead. When confronted by the inspector general before the report was issued, CMHA had no explanation. But when CMHA brass appeared recently before a Cleveland City Council committee, they said they did the testing but failed to provide the paperwork. The council wasn’t buying that, and we aren’t either. It fails the sniff test completely. We simply don’t believe it. That’s an enormous credibility problem for CMHA, and it is why CMHA’s governing board should oust Patterson immediately. He’s the leader. He’s ultimately responsible."
