Resources for Families

At this time, CLASH does not have funds for relocation assistance for families. We're working on it and hope to have more news shortly.

If you have reason to believe that your child has an elevated blood level, contact your medical provider and ask for a confirmatory blood test. 

What are some reasons to believe your child may have an elevated blood lead level?

Other short term assistance

Bright Beginnings Parent Support Lead Program: case management, peer support and more. 

PRC: Preservation, Retention and Contingency Financial assistance for "Shelter assistance services for rental assistance and/or security deposits/or utility assistance, or there is lead poisoning in the house. 

If you need legal advice, contact FairShake LLC. email:

Here are three steps that families can take to address lead hazards at home. 

Step 1: Cleaning your home.

Step 2 Identifying Lead Hazards in your home

Step 3: Report Lead Hazards to your landlord and your local Department of Building and Housing.

Before you or your landlord begin to remove lead hazards, make sure your contractor is using Lead Safe Practices.