Universal Child Testing

Universal Child Lead Testing

The problem: Too many children who are at risk of lead poisoning are not being tested when they are most vulnerable.

Ohio law requires all healthcare providers to administer blood lead tests to children at age 1 and 2, or up to age 6 if no previous test has been completed based on the following criteria: the child is on Medicaid, lives in a high-risk ZIP code, or has certain other risk factors. 

Here's are the problems with the ZIP code system.  

Universal Testing in the News

January 18, 2024 Press release. DHS Recommends Blood Lead Tests for All Children. "Tests now encouraged for children ages 1 and 2, and those aged 3-5 who have not been previously tested. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) recommends universal blood lead testing for children living in Wisconsin. Universal testing means all children should receive a blood lead test at ages 1 and 2 as well as any child between ages 3 and 5 who has not had a previous test. Children under 6 residing in the city of Milwaukee require additional testing per local health department guidelines."

October 3, 2023. Detroit Free Press. Universal lead testing requirement landmark moment for Michigan, advocates say

June 9, 2016. Reuters. Millions of American children missing early lead tests, Reuters finds