2024 Reorganization


four pillars

8.17.24 Midterms? I don't know about you, but I need to give myself a little break. The first three months of tabling season are always grueling as we re-learn old skills and experiment w/ new approaches to alerting and engaging our neighbors. strategy self care

8.17.24 Midterms? This year we are facing the added complications and opportunities presented by the CMHA brouhaha. It has put real demands on us to crank up our advocacy work at City Hall, in the court of public opinion, and with our fence sitting advocate friends. strategy summary Meanwhile, we're learning how to use an XRF machine, dabbling in Voter Registration, and thinking about our National Lead Poisoning Prevention events in October. I feel confident that we're on top of this work, but keep in mind that we're only half way thru tabling season.

8.17.24 Midterms? We're going into the second half of tabling season with a double-header on August 24th with SoilSHOP and Harvard Heritage, an unanticipated event on Sept 7 at the Variety Theatre, Womens' Wellness Walk on Sept 13th (and I'm doing Coit Farmers market afterwards, and Tremont Arts and Culture Saturday September 21th and September 22nd. University Heights Fall Fest is September 29th...but we are not committed. strategy engage Here's what might help: Take some time to catch your breath, take care of some home chores, and being with loved ones. Don't feel guilty! I'm turning off my phones, not checking email, and not filling lit boxes. Find some newbies in your organization who can help. Bring a friend to keep you company at the tent.

8.17.24 Midterms? REMEMBER that CLASH's super power is the ability to meet and talk with ordinary people about the issue of childhood lead poisoning. Some of our neighbors will become activists who begin to take control of their homes by: strategy aware having their children tested, adopting lead safe housing practices as outlined in "Protect your family" and "Renovate Right. Identifing lead safe housing using our brochure "Finding Lead Safe Housing" and Adopt nutrition strategies from our soon to be released "Using Nutrition to Fight Childhood Lead Poisoning"

8.17.24 Midterms? Some of our neighbors will become advocates for others by: strategy activist share lead safe info with their neighbors and family members sign up for Stay in Touch e-news sponsor events for their faith, social and neighborhood organizations. sign a petition to require Cleveland Department of Public Health to test all the at risk children in CMHA.

8.17.24 Midterms? Some might become CLASHers and adopt a governing role in our efforts. strategy advocate It's how you build a movement! but it starts with tabling.

8.17.24 Midterms? So catch your breath and welcome to the second half of Tabling Season 2024. If we're good, we'll be great. strategy spencer

8.17.24 Midterms? PS: A little sad news to report. Andre informed us that our colleague and former Board member Rosemary Palmer lost her husband recently. I'm putting a sympathy card in the mailbox this AM. strategy condolence



Board meeting-discuss evaluating current Board membership and collaboration.

Should organizations sign an Memorandum of Understanding with CLASH outlining mutual obligations of membership. If yes...then prepare amendments to the CLASH Bylaws to reflect this new policy,

Based on evaluation, reach out to organizational members with suggestions to improve engagement in 2024.


At the December Board meeting adopt the charter/ByLaws amendments membership.

Following the December Board meeting reach out to CLASH organizational members asking them to nominate a representative and alternate to the CLASH Board and executing an MOU if by laws are modified and approved. Deadlines are to be determined.


At the January Annual Meeting confirm new reps and alternates. Reappoint at Large members. Elect officers for the coming year. Discuss and adopt a 2024 workplan as discussed in the December Board meeting.

Organizational memberships

At Large members

New Organizational Members?

Define Collaboration and MOUs

Charter Changes

Redefine Membership 

Officer positions

Communications and assistant

Executive Committee; Elected officers