What is the plan for CMHA Lead Safety


Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority, Cleveland CIty Council, and community based organizations have put together a plan to address lead issues at CMHA. 

There are three parts to the plan to make CMHA lead safe.

Lead Safe Awareness Outreach Activities

City-CMHA concerns raised by CLASH members

Conduct thorough inspections of all properties to identify lead hazards, particularly in paint, dust, soil, and water.

Implement a schedule for regular lead testing, especially in older buildings, to monitor any changes in lead levels.

Immediate Remediation

Train and Hire more certified professionals (6 certified professionals is not enough)

Cover or remove contaminated soil in play areas and around the building foundation.

Water Safety: Install and maintain certified water filters to remove lead from drinking water. (Something tells me it's not just in the homes but also in the water and soil)

Resident Education and Support

Provide residents with information on the dangers of lead exposure and tips for reducing risks in their homes.

Provide residents with information on healthy foods to reduce lead poisoning

Offer lead testing for children and pregnant women

Conduct workshops to educate residents about lead safety and preventive measures.

Partnerships and Collaboration

Work closely with local health departments to provide mobile testing vans

Provide mobile testing vans at workshop events

Long-term Planning

Develop a long-term plan for lead hazard control, incorporating feedback from residents and stakeholders.